Creating a sustainable future where elephants thrive alongside other species.


At Selati Game Reserve, we recognise the profound importance of elephants, not only as majestic beings but as vital contributors to ecosystem balance and biodiversity. These intelligent and powerful creatures embody the interconnectedness of life, impacting various species and shaping the landscape through their behaviours. We have implemented a proactive approach to effectively manage the elephant population within our fenced reserve, while simultaneously preserving the essential biodiversity of the ecosystem. Through our annual dedicated programme, we employ non-hormonal immuno-contraception as a sustainable solution.

Our immuno-contraception method serves as a humane and ethical means to restrict elephant pregnancies without interfering with their natural behaviours. This approach which slows population growth and allows us to achieve population stabilisation in alignment with the reserve’s biodiversity interests, ensuring a balanced and harmonious coexistence between humans and these magnificent creatures.

By utilising non-hormonal immuno-contraception, we prioritise the preservation of the elephants’ natural environment. We strive to maintain a space that remains authentic and undisturbed, providing the elephants with the freedom to roam and engage in their natural behaviours.

Our annual programme requires a collaborative effort between our dedicated reserve staff, experienced veterinarians, and logistical support. We are proud to partner with the esteemed organisation, the Humane Society International, who provides invaluable support and expertise in this project.

Comprehensive monitoring of the elephant population is crucial, and we achieve this through the use of tracking collars. During the collar fitting process, utmost care is taken to ensure the health and safety of the elephants. Tranquilising is performed to attach the collars, enabling us to closely track and manage the population dynamics. This allows for a deeper understanding of their movements and behaviours, contributing to informed conservation efforts.

Find out more about our Elephant Immuno-contraception programme below: 

The impact of elephants on their environment is multifaceted. While they play a significant role in maintaining biodiversity, their interactions with certain plant species, such as tall trees used for nesting by raptors and vultures, can present challenges. Unmanaged elephant populations may destroy these crucial habitats. Our approach seeks to comprehend the long-term impacts and cycles that elephants have on their surroundings, including the cyclical movement of elephants between closed and open savannah over a 200-year span. By gaining a broader perspective beyond our limited lifetime, we can make informed decisions for the benefit of both elephants and the ecosystem.

The Selati Wilderness Foundation will continue to support the Selati Game reserves efforts to protect and conserve elephants. Through non-hormonal immuno-contraception, comprehensive monitoring, and a commitment to understanding their ecological impact, we strive to ensure a sustainable future where elephants thrive alongside other species. Join us in our dedication to coexist harmoniously with these incredible beings and preserve the intricate balance of life in our reserve.


Help us make Selati a lifelong home to both elephants and biodiversity by donating to, or fundraising on our behalf for, the Giants of Selati Fund.