

At Selati Game Reserve, our commitment to cheetah conservation is driven by the various challenges faced by these magnificent creatures. Factors such as habitat fragmentation, increased fencing, predator threats, human-animal conflicts, and poaching have significantly impacted the cheetah population, limiting their movement and endangering their survival within our region.

In 2015, we seized a valuable opportunity to contribute to cheetah conservation when the South African National Parks (SANParks) presented us with three young cheetahs from the Mountain Zebra National Park. These cheetah cubs, two males and one female, had tragically lost their mother to a snake bite. On the 13th of March 2015, these remarkable cheetahs were set free within the confines of Selati Game Reserve.

In 2018, the Selati Wilderness Foundation, in collaboration with the Endangered Wildlife Trust’s (EWT) cheetah meta population team, sponsored the arrival of a mature female cheetah from Rietvlei Nature Reserve. Arriving on the 19th of May, she brought hope and excitement for the future. Despite the initial challenges, she displayed her resilience by giving birth to two litters of cubs. 

To ensure further genetic diversity and prevent inbreeding amongst the cheetah population on Selati, we recently introduced another female cheetah to the reserve. Within days, she impressively captured an impala, displaying her natural instincts and adaptation to her new home. Fitted with a collar, she is closely monitored by our dedicated research team, assisted by our invaluable volunteers.

Moving forward, the development of our cheetah population will be meticulously observed and guided. In collaboration with the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT), we will explore opportunities to distribute these genetic lines to the wider regional cheetah population.

We are privileged to be part of this ongoing conservation journey, where the protection and preservation of cheetahs at Selati Game Reserve stand as a testament to our dedication. Join us in our pursuit to ensure a thriving future for these incredible creatures.


Your generous contribution can directly support our efforts and bring about positive change for our Cheetahs.