Tracking the breeding cycle of a pair of Martial Eagles.


Standing as the largest eagle in Africa, the Martial Eagle (Polemaetus bellicosus) is an impressive raptor. With a stature measuring 78 – 83 cm and a weight between 3.3 to 4.7 kg, these formidable birds, especially the females, outsize their male counterparts significantly. Notable for their striking contrast of dark head, neck, throat, and back against a spot-adorned white underbelly, they present an awe-inspiring sight. Found predominantly across sub-Saharan Africa, these eagles prefer areas outside the lowland forests of West Africa. Their presence is particularly noticeable in the protected reserves of South Africa, where they find a safe haven.

Their declining population has been a subject of various scientific studies, including a 2017 study published in the Cambridge University Press that highlighted a 60% decline over a 20-year period. Consequently, Martial Eagles are now classified as “endangered” in South Africa.

A pair of Martial Eagles have successfully bred on Selati for several years. In 2020, with the assistance of John Davies from the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) Birds of Prey Programme, we managed to ring and measure a fledgling. Subsequently, a camera trap was installed at the nest, providing us with vital data about nest activity and prey species.

This success motivated us to upgrade the system in August 2021 to a solar-powered, real-time imaging system capable of capturing motion-activated still images and streaming continuous live video footage. With this upgrade we were looking forward to being able to closely monitor the eagles’ breeding biology, including behaviour, incubation, chick development, prey selection, and post-fledging dependence on the nest.

The use of this technology would also ensure minimal disturbance at the nest during the breeding/fledging period. Through our partnership with BirdLife South Africa, we were gearing up to reach a wide audience of birding enthusiasts and raise funds for conservation via a subscription-based membership.

We were poised for the 2022 breeding cycle with our system in place. Although a Martial eagle was spotted visiting the nest in February 2022, the pair did not return as expected in 2023 or since. Instead, the 2022 female reappeared with a much younger male. We believe she formed a new pair bond after the likely loss of her original mate from 2020. However, as a juvenile, the new male is not yet mature enough to breed. Unfortunately, this pair has not returned to nest in their usual location. Nevertheless, Martial eagle sightings continue on the reserve, and we remain committed to monitoring their activity.

In the interim we are testing this technology further by adding another live camera on a Verreaux’s Eagle (Aquila verreauxii) nest on the reserve.  To get access to our live stream, visit our Verreaux’s Eagle project page.